Ok so I admit it I am not a teen anymore and now have bouts of adult acne. I'm only admitting this for any of you who also have this problem and can't seem to find anything that works. I've tried all the popular advertised brands such as Proactive with no amazing results as advertised. In fact I am left with overly dry while still oily skin that makeup will not sit on top of leaving me feeling worse then when I started. Now I know that many people have a great results with this product so if you do great!
I have been on a quest trying what ever I can get my hands on and I have learned that you need different routines for different times of the year as well sometimes for different times during the month.
I know it's sounds a little overwhelming but it's really not it's easy and once you understand your breakouts you can suit your routine with ease. Let's start with summertime as we are in the middle of it right now. Here are my list of products;
Clearasil cleanser
Cetaphil cleanser
Clearasil benzoyl peroxide treatment
Clearasil sulphur treatment
Johnson and Johnson salicylic acid treatment
Queen Helene's Mint Julep mask
Moisturiser – I personally love L'Oreals Skin Genisis but use what works for you
Baking Soda ( you'll understand in a little bit.
Lets start with the cleansers, I use the Clearasil when I am in the middle of a bad breakout and my Cetaphil the rest of the time. The Cetaphil is more gentle but still suited to oily skin, therefore it doesn't over dry the skin and is great when combined with the baking soda as once a week exfoliater. I find any more then once a week and it will actually make me breakout.
Next are the treatments of which I have listed 3 great ones. I use the Jonson and Johnson's salicylic acid treatment in the winter time. My skin isn't as oily and it works great without over drying or being too hash on my skin. In the summer for me it's just not strong enough, you will know because the breakouts keep coming. At this point I switch to a benzoyl peroxide product which although too strong in the winter is great in the summer with my oilier skin. The other treatment is a sulphur and zinc product which dries out acne and draws out redness. I find this one great for those spots that just don't want to clear up, it is not effective however on the really inflamed area's these need one of the other two mentioned depending on the season.
As a mask I use Queen Helene's Mint Julep which is also a sulphur product. I LOVE this one and haven't used anything else since finding it last winter. I use it twice a week ad a treatment and then use it on spots that just don't want to go away as a overnight treatment. If you have sensitive skin do a spot test fist as this is not how the product is intended to be used, but it works great for me!
Even in a breakout don't forget to moisturize it really does make all the difference! I use L'Oreal Skin Genesis both the serum and the lotion. The lotion is too strong for me to wear in the daytime during the summer so I use just the serum and both in the evening. For my oily skin I find them wonderful for providing moisture without too much oiliness.
These are the products I love, use some or all whatever works for you. Every ones skin type is so different that often trial and error is the only way to find the perfect products for you.
I hope this helps you all. I get asked so often about acne products and the one's I have listed are the one's that have worked for me!
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